Review of Haunted

Haunted (2002)
Move over, X-Files
25 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I accidently caught the season premiere of this show while channel surfing and trying to recouperate from time I lost watching the season premiere of two other horrendous sitcoms. Boy, am I glad I stumbled upon this show. If the 1st episode is any indication of what's to come, then "Haunted" should deservedly earn the kind of respect and viewer loyalty that has endeared X-Files.

Spoilers ahead:

Matthew Fox (of Party of Five Fame) stars as private eye Frank Taylor,

who's on the trail of a child kidnapper/murderer. He finally tracks him down and a rooftop battle ensues (guess who's going over the ledge eventually?). Frank is seriously stabbed by the kidnapper and blacks out. While on the operating table, Frank has an out of body experience and encounters both his missing child (who apparently was kidnapped years before) and the spirit of the kidnapper he was pursuing in the after life. He survives the operation, but over time he begins to discover that he is now susceptible to being spooked, as he is visited by spirits from beyond, including both the victims and the perpetrators.

It's an interesting premise, as Frank is both "haunted" by spirits of his new-found ability as well as the memory and guilt of the loss of his own child. The show was very well-done and the acting was believable. I've always liked Mathew Fox, and I've always been surprised that he hasn't achieved the fame and recognition that some of his other Party of Five co-stars of lesser talent have achieved (Jennifer Love Hewitt, anyone?). Here's hoping he's got a better agent now.

Overall, a highly suspensful show and scarier than any X-Files I've seen.
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