Horizon: Mega-Tsunami: Wave of Destruction (2000)
Season 37, Episode 11
Scary Probability
4 June 2004
In the early 1950's, oil geologists discovered the signs of a giant tsunami, half a kilometer high, that hit a remote bay in Alaska. After research, scientists concluded that the tsunami was created by a landslide in the ocean off the coast. Since then, scientists who study tsunamis have discovered several sites around the world where major under water landslides could create giant or mega tsunamis, kilometers high. This documentary was primarily about the discovery of a large crack in a volcano in the Canary Islands that may split and cause a mega tsunami several kilometers high that would wipe out the east coast of the United States. This tsunami should penetrate at least 12 miles inland and destroy every city from Boston to the Caribbean within the next 1200 years.

Like the killer asteroid and the "big one" in California, this is not a speculation. It will happen, in time.

This is a very scary documentary. It makes you realize how fragile our life on this earth really is. If you enjoy "extreme nature" documentaries, you will probably enjoy Mega Tsunami.
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