Italian Salsa
13 November 2003
Coming out in this type of conservative family is probably very hard to do, so when Angelo tells his parents he is gay, they take it badly, as one could probably have thought. This is not a dysfunctional home, in the traditional sense, but like most families facing this situation, they can't believe they have produced a son that is "uomosessuale".

This light comedy is a funny approach to what happens when the unexpected occurs. The interplay between the two different cultures in the Italian-Canadian community setting could not be more true about the movie tries to deal with. The most important point the film makes is that Angelo, by coming out, is a much better person than Nino, who will probably go through life living a double life and being miserable in both worlds.

This comedy is good for carefree laughs. Director Emile Gaudreault keeps things moving quickly. The cast is very good.
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