Not bad for a guy from Telford College!
17 March 2004
I dragged my husband to see this film, and our expectations were low after reading some negative reviews. But, I knew Stewart Svaasand at Telford College (Edinburgh) so was curious to see his first feature film. I really enjoyed the first half - it was warm-hearted and all the actors were great, but it does trail off a bit after that and I even wondered how long was left (a sin in the cinema!). However, there's a nice feel about it - I think it's a good thing it's no "Shallow Grave" - what an overrated film that is, and unfavourable comparisons with that load of cr*p "Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels" (which basically just looks like an overlong Bacardi ad), can only be a good thing too. This is no "Donnie Darko" but I still think it's an accomplished first feature. Very envious of Svaasand's success actually - wish I'd stuck at film ! Looking forward to the next one - congratulations from Josie
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