Quite possibly one of the worst films of our era...
8 August 2004
I just recently saw "Hangman's Curse" for the first time, and I must say that I was appalled. Never before in cinematic history has both acting and any amount of plot structure been so devoid in a motion picture. The sketchiness of the "ghost story" as a portion of the movie and its sloppy transition into what appeared like a lost episode of Nickelodeon's "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" involving spiders are key examples of why teens today lack the vision to see good films.

I've read a lot comments on IMDb, and after watching this particularly dreadful flick I felt obligated to post my opinion. What I saw when I reached the boards was, in a word, disgusting; to see how all the devote Christians who have watched this movie and belong to the IMDb community flocked to this comment board to post their praise and worship this almighty *Christian* film. I find it quite amusing how when a movie that makes such a mockery of the trials and ordeals faced by those teens who are not superficial (in contrast to those who are portrayed in this movie, with all the cliché-ridden filth you would expect of a teen movie after 1990) is exalted upon high by Christians.

This movie follows a very minimalistic series of events that are as predictable as they are unexciting. The only area of the film I found there to be any sort of substantial talent was the spider wrangler (as denoted in the special features of the DVD), who I thought did a relatively good job in tandem with the special effects crew. Aside from that, however, the acting was stale and unmoving (such as the end scene, in which the two Goth teens, the only characters I had gained any sympathy for at all, were encouraged with words of wisdom by the typical neanderthal popular teens, and how they were subjected to having to rejoin the *Christian* members of society).

Overall, this movie falls into a wasteland of films involving teen murder and spiders and should never be heard from again. I doubt even the Lord Almighty himself would be able to save the poor quality of this motion picture from eternal damnation. 1/2 of 4 stars.
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