Down to Hell (1997)
15 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This is basicly Versus with out the great kung fu. That dosn't mean it isnt a good film. Spoiler if you can consider it. The basic plot of the film is four guys who play a little game. Find a random person on the street, kidnap them, take them out to the middle of a forest and hunt down and kill the poor soul for fun. Little do they know that this time out, there's something in the forest that is not pleased and brings back the people they've killed for a little vengance. The movie is very low budget, but thats what makes it work. Like Versus, you can see the influence of EVIL DEAD and a hell of a lot of kung fu movies mixed, though on a limited budget. Also, like Versus, non of the charecters have any names, so you have to go off of calling with what their weapon was like KNIFE GUY and CHAIN WHIP GUY and so on. All in all not a bad film, and only running just under an hour, is a great little gem for fans of indie horror.
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