Review of Hey Monie!

Hey Monie! (2003)
Hip, real, funny, and for everybody
28 October 2003
I came upon this great little show by accident while channel surfing, but I'm glad I did. It'll put you in the mind of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" filtered through "Doctor Katz, Prefessional Therapist." Monie is an attractive young woman on her own in a big city, and (generally) patiently suffers the day's little trevails while trying to find love. Yvette is her funny and slightly crazy best friend.

Rather than barraging you with non-stop one liners, the show develops Monie's daily experiences in a way we can all relate to, giving up the constant little chuckle for a broader smile from situation to situation, in much the same way the shows previously mentioned did.

Angela Shelton and Frances Collier voice the main characters, and their rapid-fire, witty banter is just pure enjoyment to listen to. They are very appealing leads.

Try to catch it on BET if you can -- it's worth the half hour. The show features African-American characters but is great fun for all. Apparently it's featured on Oxygen too.
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