Alien vs. Predator
29 September 2004
I'm a hardcore Alien fan and I merely like Predator. I have never collected the card game or played the PC games, nor read the Alien vs. Predator comics. But any Alien sequel will have me buying a ticket.

So, this is a poorly written thriller with no real thrills for everyone who has seen at least one supposedly scary movie from the past ten years. Unlike "Freddy vs. Jason", which turned the limitations and the corniness of a cross-over movie into gold, it tries to achieve moments of true tension and suspense, and it fails. Badly.

One can enjoy the thing on a campy level, of course. And actually, the background information of the relationship between Aliens and Predators is not bad at all. I mean, sure, it doesn't make sense historically (Antarctica has been frozen for a long time, longer than the other Paul Anderson seems to be aware of), but who cares? I'm not sure if we have to credit that idea to the writers of the movie or to those who worked on the Alien vs. Predator universe. Sorry, can't help you there.

It's crap. And there's more entertaining crap to see out there.
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