Review of Mucha sangre

Mucha sangre (2002)
A Spanish homage to Peter Jackson
15 July 2004
This is a strange movie, really strange: it tells the story of an alien invasion very similar to the one of Peter Jackson's debut film, Bad Taste, but possibly with more bad taste than the original. It is also almost a remake of Jackson gore masterpiece Dead Alive (aka Brain Dead), with a visceral humour, almost insane, made by blood, blood and more blood, with chainsaws, guns and blood all over the place. Not really original, but with that peculiar Spanish flavor that you may already have tasted and seen in other movies like Accion Mutante, El dia de la bestia and other similar to these. There is a cameo by the old Spanish horror icon Paul Naschy/Jacinto Molina. And... yes, the female lead actress is really tasty, but not as the stupid aliens in this movie think (boys, what a gorgeous woman she is!).
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