Sex & the Single Mom (2003 TV Movie)
Enjoyable if not quite believable
18 July 2004
I enjoyed this movie though did not quite find the whole thing that believable. I shall admit upfront that I'm not a single parent, a mom, or a woman for that matter, so I'm not expert on these matters. All the same, I think if someone actually chose to have a baby in the circumstances of this film, it would be a tad bit more difficult. And, it was convenient how the father of the baby disappeared around half way through the film. The film definitely had shades of Lifetime utopia.

Still, it was a good film on various levels. Gail O'Grady was very good as the lead, a single working mother (paralegal, going to law school, which I'd hope I could manage as she could!) of a teenager, who meets someone and enjoys the sexual side of the relationship. And, then, suddenly she becomes pregnant. The matter is complicated by an earlier miscarriage. The result, as noted, seemed a bit too good to be true, but the issues were dealt with in a pretty good fashion. O'Grady's skills as an actress made the film.

She also has to deal with her daughter, who is starting to develop sexual feelings of her own, and feels pressure to have sex. This is a quite real life issue, though it was handled a bit too smoothly here (the boy who turns out to be a jerk, predictable, though the ultimate result of her relationship with her friend has a nice twist to it). There is a good scene early on where the daughter examines her sexuality, one that must have made some moms sweat given the potential of the Internet. The daughter was played pretty well by the young actress here.

The film had some predictable "Lifetime touches," but seriously dealt with the issues, and Gail O'Grady was fine in the lead role. Worth catching the next time it's on Lifetime.
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