Pixel Perfect (2004 TV Movie)
Fun to watch with your child
19 January 2004
For the detractors, as MST3K has always advocated, "Repeat to yourself, 'It's just a show, I should really just *relax*.'

I enjoyed this movie, especially with my five-year-old son, who really likes the songs (he sings them while walking around the house). Of course, the typical five-year-old's penchant for watching a new movie meant that I watched this movie four times this past weekend, but I digress.

I concur that this movie is better than the typical Disney-TV-movie-a-tron fare. It's not groundbreaking cinema, but it does tell a story with a decent moral (albeit the moral is laid on thick, like mortar with a trowel), and yes, the acting is good.

I *loved* the search engine, as well as the depiction of being in Samantha's brain.
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