Art History (2003)
3 March 2004
Watch the opening frames of this and you won't be able to resist the innovative use of technology and the unconventional heist-plot construct that are melded together visually before you. These are the driving forces behind what makes this film cool: I also can't deny it's one of the main reasons that the actors have so much fun 'playing' with these elements in it... without question, it was my reason for choosing to play the part of Stella. Nick Bicanic comes from a pretty atypical background for a director (see his imdb page if you doubt this) and the experience of working with a crew of insanely motivated/creatively "posessed" humans - not just the other actors but on all fronts (the DP and team BUILT a two-camera mount from scratch so our basketball scene would look cooler!. There is apparently a feature-length script for Art History which I would LOVE to see made (and the website for the film is one of the most satisfying ones for any actor involved in something of this size).. I think the scope and vision of Nick Bicanic and Jason Bourque has not only created a devoted cast and crew but also continues to inspire an audience with all the bold strokes they chose to make in this format and in this genre.
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