Even The Idea Wasn`t Impressive
11 February 2004
It`s not often I disagree with Bob The Moo and the only disagreement I have with his opinions of DIRECTOR`S COMMENTARY is that having a spoof commentary track show is that it might have been a good idea in the first place . As Nigel Kneale said of DOCTOR WHO " It`s an idea you come up with in the bath then quickly forget about " The premise of this show is as inane as the surreal impressionist show DOUBLE TAKE , it fails to work as satire because the audience know the director involved isn`t a real director . How do the audience know this ? because the heavily plugged trailers point this out . We know the man from THE DUCHESS OF DUKE STREET isn`t Tony Slattery and we know that Ridley Scott wasn`t the original director of MR & MRS and we know if this was such a funny show ITV wouldn`t be broadcasting it at 11 o` clock at night
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