Review of Hero

Hero (2002)
you've read the reviews... so is it really worth seeing?
5 October 2004
As you might have read, 'Hero' (Ying Xiong) is either a movie you love or hate. However, it's hard to tell through all the praise and hatred that surrounds this movie whether it's actually any good. 'Hero', (or to give it it's full western title: 'Quentin Tarantino Presents Jet Li's Hero'), is not a movie for the average movie-goer. For a start, it's subtitled (for now anyway, no doubt the DVD release will have a dubbed track). This has already got a lot of people against the movie. It seems westerners can't be bothered with reading subtitles (which I find very unsettling). The plot is also slightly skewed (it aims to follow the same line as movies such as 'Memento' or 'Kill Bill' by mixing up events), but instead of being in a mixed order, the events are told as a continuing story. However, as each chapter is ended a new truth is discovered and it goes back to the beginning of that chapter and plays out again. With the new information in mind, the whole movie changes, including the characters, which can make things confusing. I've noticed a lot of people didn't like this repeat of ideas, but i actually found it very clever. It gives new ways of looking at the movie and with a change of colour scheme in every change-over it's definitely a bold move but it works really well. Speaking of the colour scheme, this is where the movie is at it's most excellent. Not with the plot or ideals but with the cinematography. As most people know, the reason you go to see 'Hero' is for all beautifully choreographed fight scenes and stunning grandness of ever scene. It is an amazingly beautiful movie, which uses all the best cinema tricks (including great camera wide shots and close up action sequences), and a few new tricks to create a visually stunning movie. However, is this beauty enough to cover up the problems with the script and plot? When you watch the movie you have to let yourself go and just let the movie engulf you. This way you will find that the plot actually makes more sense. The small script is enough to keep your attention whilst the actual visuals fills in the gaps. The tiny dialogue actually works with the visuals to create a movie with a wonder which stays with you long after the movie is over. The movie is also very comedic in places, making the movie more enjoyable without making a mockery of itself. The movie is also good in the fact that the characters are actually believable. You get to see everyone's character played out in full as each different take on a scene introduces a new personna of a person. This movie is doing well in cinemas at the moment so it must be doing something right. Of course, it's not on par with the likes of 'Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon' (Wo Hu Cang Long), and it looks to be overshadowed by the upcoming Asian movie 'House of Flying Daggers' (which is a much better title that it's alternative title, 'Lovers') (Shi Mian Mai Fu), due in cinemas this boxing day. 'Hero' wasn't very popular in Asia, where most people thought it was more aimed at caucasians. Which is true, the movie isn't aiming to be politically correct, it is a movie after all, but neither was 'Crouching Tiger'. So, it does have it's faults, but it's definitely worth seeing. Many people may not enjoy it, but if you liked 'Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon' it's a good night out. Of course, if you prefer something a bit more entertaining and less controversial, there are plenty of other movies to go see, but 'Hero' is one of those movies that will be remembered for it's sheer beauty rather than it's actual content. It's a little different than most movies, but very enjoyable, a must for fans of Asian cinema. The choice is yours.
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