Review of Summerslam

Summerslam (2004 TV Special)
Probably the best WWE show of the far.
8 October 2004
I loved the 'Bizarro-World' Toronto crowd. In defense, I think they were just enjoying the show, compared to the Wrestlemania crowd at MSG who were downright evil during the Goldberg/Lesnar match. Anyway, to the matches (1 to 10 scale).

* Dudley Boyz vs. London, Kidman & Mysterio (7) entertaining opener

* Kane vs. Matt Hardy (5) not bad but not very good either...Lita sucks

* Booker T vs. John Cena (6) not given enough time

* Edge vs. Y2J vs. Batista (7) a strange Triple-Threat, but Edge and Jericho made it exciting at the end

* Guerrero vs. Angle (9) awesome, awesome match...the wrestling ability of these guys is off the me it was better than Wrestlemania

* HHH vs. Eugene (7) very funny and at times I was really into it...just not enough wrestling to earn higher than a 7...I loved the ending though

* JBL vs. Undertaker (7) much better than expected...good wrestling and storytelling by both Taker and JBL...ending and post-match sucked but the overall match was good...I also like Orlando Jordan as the Virgil-like sidekick

* Benoit vs. Orton (8.5) great match and a great finish that hits you out of nowhere...I couldn't quite give it a 9 because some of the slower bits were boring...awesome bump by Benoit on the outside
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