Raising Helen (2004)
A Generic Romantic Comedy
8 November 2004
This movie is one of those movies that is pleasant and enjoyable, but forgettable by the next day. And that is probably what it was made to be- a generic romantic comedy made for generic romantic comedy viewers. It wasn't made to make people think, or to be left open to interpretation, or to show the acting potential of any actor or actress. This movie was made to be a simple money-maker, to appeal to a large audience.

This movie is mainly targeted to teenage girls, obviously, as they can relate to both Helen and Audrey, the oldest daughter's situation. While not being profound or laugh-out-loud funny, this movie is not unacceptably horrible or extraordinarilly wonderful. It is simply, a movie-like movie- a character doing his or her thing, plus a shameless promotion of Kate Hudson.

So when you watch Raising Helen, don't expect phenomenal acting, dialouge, or story-lines. Just expect okay acting, okay dialouge, and okay story lines. That's it- this movie is okay. I would give it 6.5 stars out of ten.
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