BJ1: Film = funnier than the book. BJ2: Book = funnier than the film
14 November 2004
Couldn't quite put my finger on why exactly but the sequel wasn't as good as I'd anticipated. I did enjoy it and there were still some classic moments - the fight scene for example was still priceless, despite not occurring in the book. After seeing the original film for the first time, I left the cinema wanting to see it again straight away. Last night I left the cinema feeling vaguely entertained but in no rush to see the film again. Perhaps it was the change in Directors but this version seemed to have less heart and soul overall. Some of the rehashed jokes felt a little forced and the predictability of Bridget wandering into yet another situation where she unknowingly spilled out her most personal feelings to Darcy in front of a crowd of his work colleagues began to grate.

I appreciate that due to time constraints, it's difficult for films to replicate the books they are based on, but there seemed to be some really good missed opportunities in this one. Darcy's irritation with Bridget's abundance of self-help books for one or the unexpected discovery of where Uncle Geoffrey's preferences lie for another. The peripheral characters helped add to the magic of the first film. There was too little time spent on those characters in this one which was a great shame.

That said, the sequel is still worth seeing once at least. It is still entertaining and still provides some laughs. The Title scene with the parachute was a great opener. I'm also very glad that the characters in this sequel were played by the same actors as the original film (except for Mrs Darcy. Anyone else notice that Admiral Darcy appeared to have a new wife?!).

Worth a watch. Being a BJ fan, I'd give this sequel 7/10.
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