Jimmy Carter vs. the Wolf Man
21 November 2004
A black-cloaked figure on horseback called the Wolf Man is leading an uprising of the Indians in the valley to drive the settlers off their land. A territorial agent is murdered after learning the identity of the Wolf Man, and the agent's brother Alan Scott arrives in the town to investigate his brother's murder and bring the Wolf Man to justice. Alan also is aided by young Jimmy Carter (not THAT Jimmy Carter) whose father was also killed by the Wolf Man, and Alan's brother's dog, Rinty. A very primitive serial, but does well with the little it has to work with. Brent is a little wooden here, but this is compared to much of his later Warner Brothers work. Rin-Tin-Tin, in his last film, is in a lot of cool action sequences and stunts (including a ridiculous 50 foot vertical leap), and gives a good performance. A ridiculous resolution hurts this one a little. Rating, based on serials, 6.
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