Without a Trace (2002–2009)
Unmissable American criminal drama.
22 November 2004
I first saw 'Without A Trace' purely by chance, when the first series was repeated on Channel Four this year during the summer. I enjoyed it so much that I resolved to watch the forthcoming second series. Now, it is one of the few television programmes I will record rather than miss.

The series is set in the Missing Persons' Department of the F.B.I. in New York. Head of the Department is the ruthless, uncompromising but troubled Jack Malone (Anthony LaPaglia). Aiding him in the search for people who have disappeared 'without a trace' is his team of Agents. There is pretty, sensitive Samantha Spade (Poppy Montgomery), tough-talking, forthright but kind Vivian Johnson (Marianne Jean-Baptiste), handsome, charming Danny Taylor (Enrique Murciano) and thoughtful, intelligent Martin Fitzgerald (Eric Close).

The strengths of the programme are its intelligent, slick, intense, twist-in-the-tale story lines and the strong, rounded characterisations of the five leads.

The stories deal with topical, thought-provoking issues, such as the exploitation of illegal immigrants, parental pressure on a child prodigy and the consequences of the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers.As each case unravels, nothing and no-one is what it seems to be. Nor do all the disappearances have happy endings.

The five leads are played strongly, the strengths and weaknesses of their contrasting characters brought out with the unfolding of the story and the twists and turns of the plots. As yet, we do not know a great deal about their personal lives. Malone is estranged from his wife and has two young daughters. Vivian is married with a teenage son. Samantha, Taylor and Fitzgerald are not married although Fitzgerald has family because he speaks of his nieces. Taylor had a less-than-privileged upbringing which included being stabbed. Maybe more on this is to come? Notwithstanding, the agents work well together and there is little rivalry, only a mutual desire to solve the disappearance and bring any criminals to justice.

I cannot recommend 'Without A Trace' too highly. It is not always easy to watch; but, always worth it, I hope it runs for many years.
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