Why?! Oh why did I have to watch this movie?!
28 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I've grown up watching Indian movies all my life and as such have learnt to accept that most of the time you have to take them with a whole bag of salt and not just a pinch. But for movies like this one, all the salt in the world doesn't prove to be enough! The plot is just plain weird, the acting is insanely cheesy, and the special effects are even cheesier and complete rip-offs from the Matrix, Mission Impossible 2 and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Ripping off action sequences or plot ideas from Hollywood movies is not something new to Bollywood but c'mon! There was no originality whatsoever to that whole action sequence performed by Akshay Kumar after (WARNING: SPOILER AHEAD) he kills the Home Minister! What was the director trying to prove?! That Bollywood is really good at ripping off an action sequence from a movie that is so well known that just copying it in another movie loses all the charm for watching the sequence?!!

Where have all the good Indian movies gone?! Or have I just become too old to watch Indian movies anymore? I've been in America for the last four years and as such haven't watched hardly any Indian movies since but the few I have seen have left me disappointed. Even the ones which were more watchable than the rest were just terrible compared to American movies. The stories are so unrealistic and unbelievable and the acting by so many of the so-called "good" actors is just barely edible. No thought is given to the audience's intelligence when penning the script; and the strange thing is that this is probably not that much of a problem because most of the poor and uneducated masses in India lap it up!

When will the insanity end?!
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