So bad, it's painful to watch!
19 December 2004
Oh how I miss the good ol' days! Do you remember those days? The days when the Puppet Master series was good? The days when Full Moon owned the rights and made half-way decent movies? The days when Corey Feldman had a career and made good movies? Yeah, I remember those days too. Gone but not forgotten. I have just watched the world premiere of "Puppet Master vs. Demonic Toys" on Sci-Fi and boy-o-boy, what a horrific piece of crap it is. And to think, I couldn't wait to see it when I heard it was finally coming out. Being a huge horror/Puppet Master fan, I have all the Puppet Master movies, and after watching them all, I'm sad to say this entry is an embarrassment to the series. Where do I begin telling you about this movie...Well, let's start with Corey Feldman. Poor Corey, the eighties were so good to him and now look at him. He plays a role in this movie that should've been played by an older actor. He's so laughable to watch in his funny gray wig while talking in his scruffled "older" voice. Am I supposed to believe he's a middle-aged toy making dad with a teenage daughter in this movie??? And the acting...oh lord, don't get me started about the awful acting; and awful is putting it mildly. Secondly, let's talk about the puppets...only half the puppets are here and they leave out two of my favorite puppets of all time...Tunneler and Torch! They also leave out Ms.Leech and Decapitron. We don't even get to hear Six-shooter's infamous laugh!! "Heh Heh Heh!" Not once! We don't even get to see the puppets in action until the end of the movie in about a two minute battle. The acting is awful, the plot ridiculous, the "special" effects are a joke, and the demonic toys are just annoying and cheesy!! Especially Baby Oppsie-daisy! Ugh!! Could this character get anymore on my nerves? Charles Band where are you? I thought Full Moon was putting out some crap there towards the end, but after watching this, I would welcome Full Moon back with open arms. I thought since Sci-Fi picked up the rights, the series might be pointed in the right direction...Boy, was I wrong! Please Mr. Band, come back!!! Don't let the beloved Puppet Master series end this way! Make us devoted Puppet Master fans proud once again!!!
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