Crappy, but had it's moments
18 December 2004
But then perhaps those moments are only cause I haven't seen a puppet master movie in a few years? And by that I mean an original movie not "best of" clips put together and sold under the guise of a movie (I'm looking at you Legacy). This movie had some okay ideas, but they were all hampered by phoney acting. I mean the puppet master movies and the demonic toys were never known for Oscar winning performances, but these characters seemed to lean towards caricatures of what they were suppose to act like (crazy scientist, evil mistress). And all of the puppets and toys seemed to lack detail and all were animated poorly. Of course being a T.V. movie based off direct to video flicks means that they were probably on a shoe string budget, but still why does jack-in-the-box have to look exactly like...well like a jack in the box. I thought they were from a movie called DEMONIC TOYS? And this could be me, but did Blade seem kinda out of character? My image of Blade has never included him standing on one foot while he spends around like a friggin ballerina to kill something. Anywho, this could have been a lot better, but I guess if we ever want to see the movies put on DVD Separately without having to pay $200 bucks for the whole set on ebay, we should try to support Sci-fi's offering and perhaps maybe, just maybe they might listen to our criticism for future installments.
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