Review of Faust

Faust (2000)
In ways I liked it, but in others I did not
30 December 2004
I saw this in the video store a couple of times and I thought it looked like a good movie but I never took it home until a week ago. I started watching it and found it quite good at the beginning but then it came down to the IMDb rating of 4.1. I'll give you what was good and what wasn't about it but this may ruin the whole movie for you. The gore was bad, and I mean really bad, you see body parts flying off which you can buy in a joke shop and in no way looked real. Every time Faust started fighting some lame rock music would come on and the fight scenes would only last for like 30 seconds which were not very well choreographed. Faust's costume was rubbish too, those antenna's on his head wiggled every time he moved his head which showed how fake it was. Especially with his cloak, it looked like something the costume designers had cut out from an old raincoat. Mark Frost looked good when he was supposed to be insane, but then when you realise he's not crazy and he's supposed to be the big hero, he really doesn't look very good. He doesn't give the watchers much respect for Faust, when he like running down the train he looks quite stupid. Maybe if he would have moved straight way up and killing anything that even tried anything would him, that would have being alright. "I wanted you from the moment I saw you" says Jade de Camp to Mark Frost, when she first saw him he was tied up in a stray jacket in complete silence, this girl has a strange taste in men. They made Jade go nuts on the table which made her character lose all self dignity and made her look like a complete idiot which was embarrassing to watch. There is one particular scene where M is making his, let's say exotic wife driven into lust, which made me feel so sick that I went off my dinner and breakfast the next morning.

But here's an advantage which I liked about this movie, and that was Andrew Divoff, I have wanted to see him in the wishmaster but have not been so lucky. Then when I heard he was in this I was pretty excited and when watching this he was as cool and fantastic as all his fans make out. He's the one thing that did make me watch this two more times, avoiding certain scenes though. OK, there are more disadvantages than advantages but either way, if I don't see anything else good in the store (which I should hope will have a small chance) I will be renting this again. All in all, 5 or 6/10.
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