Hodgepodge of odds and ends make-up this movie
5 January 2005
Toxic Avenger, part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie (1989) is basically the left overs from Toxic Avenger II. The film-makers at Troma took what was left from the first sequel and patched them together to make another film. As a quilt work film, the results are pretty satisfying. It's not horrible but on the other hand, it's no great shakes either. The film is essentially the second half of a three hour movie. If you're a huge Toxic Avenger fan, then this film's for you. Others need not apply.

Lloyd Kaufman and company decided to make a couple of extra bucks when they released this movie. He should go back and edit the two together a make an epic version of this movie instead of having a movie that's basically 75 percent filler.

Recommended for Troma film fans only
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