Semper Fi (2001 TV Movie)
One of the best boot camp movies ever
9 January 2005
Being in the Marine Corps I happened to catch this movie on the Armed Forces Network. Since I had been through boot camp I wanted to see how accurate the movie was and compare it to Full Metal Jacket, the greatest Marine movie ever. As I watched memories of boot camp returned and I found myself identifying more and more with the characters. The actors portray the recruits and drill instructors so well that until the end credits rolled I believed I was watching an actual platoon and actual drill instructors. If you are interested in how civilians become Marines and want to see an accurate portrayal of boot camp this movie is for you. I would recommend it to any military buff or any Marine fresh out of boot camp or retired for twenty years, it will bring back memories both good and bad, and remind you of why you chose to become one of the few, and one of the proud. Semper Fi.
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