Review of Andromeda

Andromeda (2000–2005)
In the end, a waste of time
15 January 2005
After making Gene Rodenberry's Earth: Final Conflict, an interesting idea turned into a meandering pointless series, the gods of cheap-to-make syndicated Canadian TV shows decided to draw one time too many (AGAIN) from the Rodenberry well. The original premise was good, but after Kevin Sorbo fired the head writer, the plots of episode after episode lost any sign of a story arc. Major events in the storyline happened between episodes. Characters lost goals if they ever had any to begin with. I've sat down to watch some episodes and ended up wanting that hour of my life back. The only reason the show is still running is because the profit margin between selling the show to foreign markets and the cost of making episodes is nice and wide. Would it kill them to spend money on better and more consistent writers? And now the whole show has been exiled to some bar on some planet?! I've seen better production values at my high school drama class!

And now they're all hanging out a bar on some little planet?! Good lord, cancel the show. Put the actors out of their, and our, misery.

The only thing I did like about this show was Laura Bertram. She's grown up on television into a very beautiful woman. I like how she played both the purple perky airhead Trance and then the older wiser browner Trance. Maybe her character was an evolved and sentient grape who grows into a raisin?
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