At least I liked it
15 January 2005
There can't be more than a few hundred people on earth who really dug this movie, but I have it and I think it's the bomb. True, it's like a hip-hop-gospel musical in which no one has bothered to learn how to act. And the forget the set, because it doesn't even try to look real. This is strictly for the die-hard Prince fans.

Thankfully, PRince found it in his heart to make room on his soundtrack for other musical acts besides himself, except for the unfortunate Ingrid Chavez.

My biggest problem is that it is clear in this movie how much whiter he looks than he did in Purple Rain. Since then and to this day, he looks whiter than he did in the 80's. He can't blame it on vitiligo(or whatever it's called) like Michael Jackson did, so it must be the makeup. Also, one has to notice that he promotes interracial relationships, but not equally. Just like in Purple Rain, there are lots of black men with white women, but no black women with white men.

Anyway, the soundtrack's cool, and fans should enjoy it.
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