Trailer Town (2003)
Golden, Genius, and Gargantuous
21 January 2005
I have never laughed so hard my entire life as I did when I sat down and began watching this movie for the first time. But that's why it blew me away; I didn't stop laughing until the movie was completely over. My jaw hurt, my belly ached, but I didn't care because it was worth it to kill myself laughing for this masterpiece of comedy.

First let me just say that this isn't just a "movie", this is something completely different, completely new. Some people don't seem to understand. These aren't just "washed up comedians" or whatever people think. This is an actual group of trailer park people that do live with each other in real life, but somehow Giuseppe Andrews (director) managed to get them to act in all of his movies. And they pull off what they are supposed to with more perfection then Tori Amos sings her own songs.

The story unfolds slowly, dealing with the Trailer Town's people who are being evicted, but they love their town so they're going to fight for it, no matter what it takes. But the honest truth is, who cares about the story. That's not what makes this movie so amazing. It's all in the DIALOGUE and the actors and actresses themselves, and the way they deliver the lines. An extremely old man named O-Henry with obvious mental issues mistakes a small pile of feces for a woman whom he believes he is sharing a date with. An old wrinkled bitter and senile man who resembles a bulldog gets angry and goes off about how he wants his ashes in a beer can when he dies. A seemingly homeless hippie-bum whose face looks like it is rotting away recites poems about when he made love to a sweet girl by the pool while a servant fed them papaya. A run-of-the-mill white trash man with a mullet and a moustache shares with us how badly he feels the need to get behind the wheel while being highly intoxicated and how important he thinks it is. And this is just within the first 10 minutes.

The magic behind Trailer Town is in the vibe it presents. It feels unlike any other film I've ever seen. Behind it's blatant presentation of vulgarities and dirty texts, it provides a strange glowing INNOCENCE, making it feel like something you'll want to show ALL of your friends, and somehow it seems acceptable. With the obvious ultimate combination of the twisted mind of Giuseppe Andrews and the group of "actors" he found...whether it be Billy, Walt Dongo, or Chief doesn't matter. They are all doing something INCREDIBLE here.

In conclusion, this entire movie is like what you would get if you threw a modern poetry novel into a blender, along with the brain of a dirty-minded 15 year old boy, and a bunch of diarrhea...but the best diarrhea you ever heard of. Diarrhea that makes people want to be a part of it.

I give it the crown. Most original and hilarious thing I have ever seen.
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