Required viewing.
24 January 2005
Sure it was Continentals way of plugging their own video line, but the cheesy skits that tie it altogether are great! Plus when you consider some of these flicks are painfully boring or just plain terrible acting wise, the fact that all the non-gore scenes are cut out makes them actually watchable. Some how a couple non-horror flicks made there way into the mix, The Kidnapping Of The President could have been omitted in my opinion. There are some real gems included. Movies like 2000 Maniacs, Blood Tide, and Blood Feast are always a treat. But also included are more obscure flicks like Scalps, The Return of The Aliens Killer Spawn and The Slayer. I was in grade school when I first rented this movie, I think I probably rented it at least 4 times. Of course I have a copy in my video collection. Would love to see a DVD release but I wont hold my breath and neither should you... Find a used copy today!
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