A Cosmic Christmas (1977 TV Movie)
Friendly visitors from outer space renew a child's faith in Christmas
28 January 2005
Cosmic Christmas was heavily promoted prior to its release during the 1977 Christmas season. Our family watched it and loved every minute. The plot provided a new twist on the traditional Christmas story, and the characters where very well defined. The fact it was a Canadian production also sparked our interest. We have always been interested in the possibility of extra-terrestrial beings visiting planet Earth. We also believe they are most likely to come in a friendly fashion rather than as invaders, as is so often portrayed in films. Because of these interests and beliefs, Cosmic Christmas was very satisfying to watch. Our children were quite young at the time and it helped us talk to them about the possibility of visitors from space and the likelihood that they would be friendly and not something to be feared. We have never seen the film since then, and would very much like to see it again. Does anyone know if it is available?
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