Review of Species

Species (1995)
90's Commando
29 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It seems that every ten years a movie is being put out which I can fully enjoy over and over again, despite it's silliness. And it seems the TV executives know exactly what those movies are, as both 'Commando' (with the Governator and Alyssa Milano) as well as 'Species' finds it's way to the small screen in the Netherlands a couple of times every year.

'Species' is nonsense played out great. A secret governmental group, led by Kingsley, is mixing human DNA with a code they received from outer space (why is not clear), creating 'Sil', a young woman (Natasha Henstridge) who has a serious appetite for eating and mating. When she escapes the lab she was in, a group of experts set out to hunt and eventually kill her.

Great over the top performances by Kingsley, Madsen and in particular Whitaker, who's whispering incoherently to the camera while wearing some sort of silly hat. Meanwhile, Henstridge is a nice surprise as a first-timer, and not that bad for the eye either.

When the team finally faces battle with 'Sil' (in an underground oil cave?) all logic is thrown overboard, but what remains is a fun movie. I'm sure I'll catch it again in 6 months or so...

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