55 Degrees North (2004–2005)
7 February 2005
Was 55 Degrees North the precursor for The Night Detective? I'm totally hooked to this show! It has only been on BBC America for two weeks and I would rather watch it than CSI: Miami. Tonight's episode, where Don Gilet's character, Nicky, is asked to strip -- not once, but twice -- I must admit I will tune in every Monday night to see what happens next! I enjoy the fact that the Night Detective seems realistic; there are no story lines that feel forced or out of sync. I like the racial dynamic, especially in the series' opening scene, and as an American, I think a lot more Americans could learn a thing or two about coexisting with those that are "different" than ourselves. But getting off of my soap box, it doesn't hurt that Don Gilet is cute. He's got this boy-next-door feel. I'm really digging this show! Does anyone know how I can go about finding 55 Degrees North on DVD? Is it as easy as going to my local video store and finding it on the shelf?
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