America 3000 (1986)
Crappy beyond words.....
15 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Hi folks! This has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. And I like bad movies!! It's just that in this one there is less of the 'funny' bad and more of the 'bad' bad! I struggle to comprehend how movies like this get made. Who pays for this crap to get produced and thinks they will make money? Anyway on to the film itself, which is set in a post - apocalyptic USA, where men and women live a separate warring tribes. The women initially have the upper hand, keeping men as slaves for various functions: Machos - manual labour, Toys - uhhhh, toys, and Seeders (where the guy dresses up in a burqa and 'seeds' a tied up woman for the purposes of reproduction. Ooohhh, kinky!) The square jawed, blonde haired leader of the men (Chuck Wagner - AUTOMAN!!! How cool was that show?) stumbles across a secret that could turn the tide in the men's favour, or unite them with the women.

Corny sequences that I enjoyed in this film: The leader riding out dressed in his sparkly gold radiation suit (What???) blaring cheesy hair band metal from his 900 year old boom box. Weird! The leader of the men and the women's tiara (queen) 'rediscovering' sexual intercourse, breathing and fumbling over each other.

Some great dialogue: When the leader discovers the bunker and receives a message intended for the president, the message states: "No one asked for this war, but GODDAMN it Mr President, we've won it! Caught the GODDAMN Russkies with their pants down!!!" When he is showing the women's leader around and she reaches for the control panel, he says in a cheesy tone: "Careful!! Don't wanna nuke the world!" Apart from these brief and all too infrequent 'highlights', the rest of the film is an absolute writeoff, crappy and boring beyond belief.
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