Fish That Saved Pittsburgh: Home Video EDITED
21 February 2005
I first saw this film on HBO in the Spring of 1981, and watched it every time it was on, I loved it. When I bought my first VCR in 1984, it was one of the first films I wanted to get on tape, finally in the end of 1984 it was on regular TV, so at least i got it in some kind of way (even though it was edited and with commercials). In 1988 Cinemax finally showed it uncut so I got it that way. Finally I bought the commercial release in 1997 on Warner Home video. However the Home Video version has several lines edited in it, or from it, so I was very disappointed, luckily I kept my Cinemax version (it has one thing edited in it).All it was, was a announcer voice over introducing the Sylvers. (see below)

Regarding the Soundtrack: Yes there is a vinyl ST, I searched for it for 22 years, and finally found it in January of 2003, of all places, a used record store six blocks away from my apartment. The ST is awesome and was my Holy Grail for awhile.

Here's the examples of the edits: Cinemax version: Edited out is the Voice over announcing: "Here are the SYLVERS". The scene is there but the voice over is missing, it is on the Home Video version though.

HV version: Here are a list of edits:

1. The two girls that show up in the arena, checking out the NEW team, mention that with a name like Bullet he better know how to shoot!" with a suggestive body movement

2. When Jonathon Winters (as the mean brother) is getting massaged and mimicking his brother he mentions about he can "just see his brother now taking a big "Dump" in his diapers"

3. When the whole NEW team is gathered in the locker room being introduced to each other. Running Hawk tells Harry that "with a face like yours, you ought to take a tip from the Lone Ranger and wear a mask" The line is their but he's also making a lewd gesture as he's saying it, that's what's cut.

4. When Luscious Tucker is being interviewed in the locker room (after joining LA), he says he's gonna stick on Moses Guthrie like "Stink on Sh**"

5. When Moses Guthrie (Erving) is rallying his team at the end with a pep talk, his dialog is edited out saying "Taking sh***y bounce after sh***y bounce", and that's what I'm going to take back out with me on the GD court" These are just five examples, it's been awhile but I'm sure there's more.

I don't know why these are edited, the movie was already PG, and I've seen a lot worse.
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