Review of Thirst

Thirst (1979)
A fresh take on the vampire legend
24 February 2005
I'm a big fan of ingenuity in movies, and if a film offers something different from what has gone before it; it's bound to be liked by me. Thirst offers a new take on the classic vampire legend, and it works to fairly good effect. While it retains some aspects of the classic vampire story (fangs for example), it adds enough in to make it unique and the whole idea of vampires farming humans for blood is both ingenious and fascinating, while leaving lots of room for the film to create something fresh and exciting out of it. The plot harks back to the beginnings of the vampire legend with a descendant of one of it's founding figures; Elizabeth Bathory. This descendant is tracked down by a vampiric cult that wants to induct her into their ways. This cult owns a place called "the farm", in which they effectively farm humans for their blood, in much the same way as we farm cows for milk. The descendant, as you might expect doesn't want to be a part of this cult but they persevere and what follows is a psychological horror film, as she gradually makes her decent into madness.

Thirst is extremely surreal, and it capitalises on the strange idea of humans being farmed very effectively. The cleanness of the operation clashes well with the macabre element of the film, and the result is a setting that is totally unique to this movie. The psychological element of the story is very well done, which is lucky as it makes up the backbone of the film. It's constantly invigorating as we watch our heroine descend into madness, and through the way that the story is told we are never really sure of what's going on; much like our central character. The music helps to emphasise this confusion, as it's pounding tones continually bewilder the viewer. The film's problems are mainly in the beginning as it's relatively slow to start, which may annoy some viewers (including me, somewhat) and also the plot can get a little too confusing at certain points. Still, in spite of that; this is a more than admirable take on the classic legend and it all boils down to an exciting climax, which ensures that the film ends on a high.
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