Review of Faust

Faust (2000)
a decent attempt to make a movie Hollywood would never do
24 February 2005
Last night the subject of comic books was discussed. I'm not sure how it started, but eventually the issue of dark heroes came up...and from this Faust became a topic. This is actually one of my favorite comic stories of all time, despite the fact that I'm not usually into extreme gore or pornographic imagery.So today I find myself looking around online, thinking of the great read and exceptional artwork. Lo and behold I ran across movie information and read some of the reviews listed here (and elsewhere).

It seems the movie received some really bad reviews. I have seen the movie some years ago, and I admit it's no masterpiece...but I strongly feel that there should be some consideration. In order to enjoy the movie at all, you have to know and understand the story.

First it should be said, in order to do the story of Faust would take a multi-million dollar budget. There's simply no way around it. It's also impossible to fit properly into a 90min or 2hr span.

Second, the story is easily the goriest I've EVER read. And to stay true to the creators intention, the gore has to translate to the movie.

Third, with the exception of a few characters...everyone in this movie is a satanist. Their lives revolve around sex and S&M. I think it would be silly to just imply that it is something that must be seen. You have to expect a cheese factor here, because otherwise this movie wouldn't even be capable of a XXX rating. (One example comes to mind, I read that a "gore porn" was recently attempted...but the "blood" was green instead of red due to the zombie nature of the film. The movie was banned, there can be no blood in porn whether it's red or not) And finally, people leaving review obviously do not understand the condition the hero is in. Yes, he is insane...or more precisely he's a tortured soul. He always had been, since childhood...or if you read the comics, even prior to birth. Sure, sounds like a stupid idea but it was actually well executed in the comic.

That being said, I admit the movie was far from great. It wasn't even a great adaptation of the comic book. But it's a standing achievement that an underground comic that was boycotted and at one time even stopped production has enough of a fanbase to even BECOME A MOVIE. I sh*t you not, "hollywood" would have never touched this movie with a 10ft pole. Unfortunately it was victim to a b-movie budget and cast with b-movie (though respected) actors.

Oh, and I'm just going to assume that the "heavy metal" music in use was what they could afford royalties for...because in the original comic, the music referenced to was all highly recognized work such as "papa's got a brand new bag" and "don't fear the reaper".
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