Never heard of this. After seeing it I know why!
19 April 2005
In 1982 there was a series of brutal murders in a high school. The school was closed down and the murderer was never found. In 1987 a film crew decides to make a movie on the murders and shot it in the abandoned school. And then the murders begin again...

A horror comedy done terribly wrong. There are some good things about this--the performances by Alex Rocco (going WAY over the top), Brendan Hughes (as the baby-faced hero) and Lori Lethin (as the final girl) are very good and there are a few funny moments. But that's it. The horror isn't even remotely scary with some of the worst special effects I've ever seen in a horror film. The script meanders all over the place and the film within a film "surprises" got tedious real quick. Also the final search and showdown with the killer goes on for 30 MINUTES!!! Then there's multiple twists and turns at the end...but it's too little too late. Basically I was bored and the lousy murders were really insulting. Also there's a truly dreadful performance by Richard Brestoff (it's so bad it's almost embarrassing to watch) and Maureen McCormick and Vince Edwards walk through their roles.

A lot of people find this so bad that it's good--but I was too bored to enjoy it. Also there's a young, handsome George Clooney in this--but he disappears within the first 15 minutes.

A rightfully forgotten horror film. I give it a 1.
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