She Hate Me (2004)
He hate subtlety
21 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Well it's that time of the year again, when those of us who love movies wait to see if Spike has directed another Do the right thing, or School Daze. Another 25th hour or Bamboozled. Well it seems as if he's done more of the latter unfortunately.

To be fair, it's nowhere near as bad as School Daze, but to be honest, it's nowhere near as good as The 25th hour, his last and one of his best films.

This film is somewhat doomed from the beginning, right when it becomes clear that the lead actor (Anthony Mackie) who plays John Henry, can't carry a film. He does have a bit of charisma, but you never really connect with him, and that's a big no no when it comes to lead characters.

In fact it's hard to feel connected to any character in this film, with the exception of Geronimo Armstrong (Jim Brown), John Henry's father. But his character is not in the film enough to save it.

The basic story is about Jack (John Henry) Armstrong's fall from grace. He (Jack) works at a big American corporation as the youngest VP they have. Everything seems to be going fine, until one of his co workers and friends has, shall we say, a setback. Troubled by his friends experience, Jack decides to do what his friend was too afraid to do.

Well let's just say this doesn't go over to well at this big American corporation. That's when Leland (Woody Harrelson), the head of this big American corporation, decides that maybe Jack Henry Armstrong should make other career plans. Out of a job, and quick to find out how long and wide a big American corporation's tentacles can stretch, Jack does what any out of work VP who's been blackballed by corporate America would do. He starts getting a bunch of lesbians pregnant for profit.

That's where Fatima (Kerry Washington) enters the film. After she and her girlfriend Alex (Dania Ramirez) get Jack, her former fiancé, to donate some baby fertilizer to them, she decides to become a pimp. Jack, now a professional sperm donor, is for obvious reasons, just a wee bit frustrated. Not only by his new profession, but by the fact that his former fiancé wants to be with Alex and not him. You would think her pimping him out to lesbians would destroy their feelings for each other, but it actually seems to bring them back together, sort of.

She hate me is a political film wrapped in love story paper, but because it's Spike, you're not too surprised when you open it. The only surprise is how amateur some of the dialog and scenes are. Spike is a long time film vet, he should have known better than to do some of the things he did in this film.

A film that is not a bad film, just not a very good one. Good luck next time, Spike.
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