Review of Sahara

Sahara (2005)
2 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not bad in a fun way (Army of Darkness), nor is it bad in a bad way that it transcends the badness and becomes awesome bad(Highlander 2). No, this movie is much worse... it teeters between indifference and boredom. Now, a lot has been made for Eisner directing this film. We all know who his daddy is, don't we? I think the elder Eisner cashed in all his chips and called in his favors before he has to leave Disney. Got his son a sweet little gig here. But there is nothing in this film that shows me the junior Eisner has any film-making chops. This is Hollywood at its worst, blatant nepotism. Oh, the film is professionally made to be sure. It's also spiritually empty, and a lot like cotton candy in that sense. It's pretty to look at, but not much for nourishment. I hope Cussler wins his lawsuit because SAHARA has pretty much doomed the chance we will ever see a big budget Dirk Diggler... I mean Dirk Pitt treatment with the respect it deserves.
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