I thought the movie might get better....but no
6 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a pretentious, vacuous waste of time. There is nothing interesting about the characters or the plot. The film seems to take its only delight in shocking the audience with its own repugnance. I believed that this movie was funded by the makers of Prozac, as they would be the only group with a financial interest in seeing this movie produced.

The only reason I wanted to see this movie was because of the title "Six degrees of Separation."

This is supposed to mean that through six human contacts any person in the world will know any other person.

Sadly, this movie never even explores this idea.

Instead, we get to see Will Smith play a ridiculously unbelievable gay con man.

He cons his way into the homes of Donald Sutherland and Stockard Channing for the sole purpose of befriending them.

That's it; he's not after their money but rather their friendship.

Why? Apparently it's because he's a flaming effeminate psycho.

Unbelievably, they gave Stockard Channing an academy award nomination for her role. Their is absolutely no reason to do so. Her character was barely even part of the story.

A very unbelievable and uninteresting story.
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