Russian-Turkish war. Taking part in
7 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film is the following step of the Russian cinema forward, after " Night Patrol ". The substantial party has provided Boris Akunin under which same book film has been taken off. And here the entertainment part, special effects, statement, game of actors, dynamics - is higher than any praises. I am the admirer of Hollywood, but I look with interest and behind development of Russian of cinema. And me sees, that it has very iridescent prospects. Film is obligatory to viewing for all. It has very much liked me. Simply very good and qualitative cinema. Here its summary: 1877, Russian-Turkish war. Taking part in military actions as the Serbian volunteer titular counsel Erast Fandorin makes the way in a general staff of Russian command with the important confidential message. On a way he gets acquainted with charming young lady, Varvaroi Andreevnoi Suvorovoi, going in an arrangement of Russian armies to see groom Petej Yablokov - cryptographer the Joint Staff. Having reached the, Fandorin informs general Sobolevu on the artful flank maneuver conceived by Turks. From him follows, that it is necessary to occupy with Russian urgently Plevna for the case there goes Osmanli turk - plough. At general - aide-de-camp Mizinova, former chief Fandorina, the order of the commander-in-chief is already prepared on this account, which Peter Yablokov urgently ciphers and sends. Besides at Mizinov there is for Fandorin one more task not from simple. The question is Anvar - Efendi, the secretary of sultan Abdul-Gamida. This interesting Turk personally heads confidential operation against Russian. Mister desperate, with adventurous bent. Can quite appear itself in the Russian rate and leave for due to the European appearance and faultless possession of several languages. In the evening of the same day it becomes known, that Russian armies have occupied Nikopol. And hardly arrest Petju Yablokov later: in the encryption sent by him instead of a word "Plevna" the word "Nikopol" has appeared. Result of this disinformation was the capture Turkish armies of the unprotected Plevna. Shocked Cooking begs Fandorin to help the groom. Erast Petrovich it is confident: to get out Petyu it is possible, only finding the true originator happened. Similar, Anvar's free working in the Russian rate this handwork. It is necessary to calculate the Turk urgently. But how? In fact all are suspected...
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