A remarkable confluence of talent...
22 May 2005
This, like entirely too many early PBS shows, not only was underfunded initially (and certainly too willing to mock Nixon's America to be tolerated for long in the immediately pre-Watergate period), but has fallen into a ditch in terms of who owns the rights at this late date (you can't get a legit home copy of, say, the Kurt Vonnegut adaptation BETWEEN TIME AND TIMBUKTU for similar reasons). Those who've seen it, now more than three decades ago, tend to remember bits and pieces; the closest thing it had to a unifying on screen presence was Marshall Efron, who went onto his PAINLESS Sunday SCHOOL program after this one's defunding, but the innovative sketches, animation, and even wry reportage make it even more a predecessor of what was best in the early Saturday NIGHT LIVE than Albert Brooks and Chevy Chase's participation. As a child, I loved it, even when I found it very strange.

(Note to editors--you have an extraneous listing for BETWEEN TIME AND TIMBUKTU--it's listed once as a film, once as a TV series. It was a film for PBS.)
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