Way way awesome show!!
4 June 2005
i didn't see MST3K until some of the episodes came out on video and picked one up just to see what it was all about. I LOVED IT!! I can sit and ramble forever about it, pretty much in the same way other fans have. Sure there have been a few stinkburger episodes (especially in the sci-fi era)and MST3K The Movie I don't think was very much on par with the TV show, but nobody is perfect.

Other people hate the show or have major gripes and I can understand. I'm not gonna sit there and bash these people, though I will put in my two cents. Some reviews i've seen have been strictly sci-fi era comments only. Well the show was on for SEVEN SEASONS before sci-fi channel got a hold of it. And in many ways it was more funny and different in the Comedy Central era. Also some people are upset that MST skewered certain movies, whether they felt the movies were good or not. There is nothing wrong with skewering movies. THEY ARE JUST MOVIES!!!! And you know what?? These movies still exist in non-MST form for you to watch. Don't get cheesed off that MST made fun of a film, IT'S JUST A MOVIE AND MST IS JUST A TV SHOW!! I do agree in ways with people about reviewing films strictly when they saw them on MST. I will admit I reviewed most of my films commented that I saw on MST. Most of the time it's the only way since the film is nearly impossible to find in non-MST form. I try to comment too that I saw it on MST and do try to judge the film as if I'm not watching the film through MST.

Anyway I love the show!! I think it is funny and the movies they skewer do mostly suck, in whatever ways. It was cheaply made but I think it does stand up to regular network shows (which I do think are mostly crap, but that's just my opinion)and hope that most, if not all episodes do get released on DVD. It's not a show everybody will like, but a lot of people out there do!! Enjoy!!
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