You saw my boing??
4 June 2005
Larry and Sue, two very old JC students love each other and want to get married. Mom and dad don't approve, what to do? See the Nazi love doctor Professor Hill. His large face and glitter graphs made by his six year old daughter show that Larry and Sue are not ready for marriage because they only common interest is popular songs (these popular songs are not known at this time, your author here is doing research on this subject and will get back to everyone here once I know what popular songs they are referring to) Dr. Hill's solution is to educate these young people with the cheap graphs and hope Larry and Sue take in what Dr. Hill has recommended. Larry and Sue discuss this at the soda shop, the breakwater and at home while doing dishes. Larry's dad reads a book on the Karma Sutra and give Larry and Sue some helpful hints (drinking and porno) In the end Larry and Sue get engaged to be engaged and live out their lives in happy bliss until the popular songs become unpopular and Larry and Sue break up. THE END!!
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