"Coffee and cigarettes? Is that all you're having for lunch?"
5 June 2005
I think what is most fascinating about this movie is that it was shot in the span of 17 yrs! According to IMDb trivia, the first short we are given, between Roberto Benigni and Steven Wright, was filmed in 1987. I sort of wonder why Jim Barusch took so long to make it. Granted I don't know anything at all about him and his work, so I'm sure someone else that actually is a big fan would be able to explain this to me. Indeed this is a unique piece that really doesn't have any plot what so ever, other than the fact that all of these stories are tied together by coffee and cigarettes. I also find it funny that in every short someone eventually makes the comment "Coffee and cigarettes for lunch? Is that all you're having? That's not very healthy." Perhaps Jim was trying to send out a message that those who enjoy coffee and cigarettes should try and have something a bit more substantial. Yet we are then given the response "I ate something earlier, remember?" Ah well...there is no arguing with these sort of people I suppose. Overall this movie really isn't for everyone because it's not a film with any plot, point or conclusion... and also Steve Buscemi's role was very minor...disappointing indeed. :P 7/10
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