House of Wax (2005)
Not bad...but not great either.
5 June 2005
I was appalled when I first heard they were doing a remake of this classic starring Vincent Price. Then, when I later found out Paris Hilton would be co-starring in it, I proceeded to go to my bathroom and throw up a actually, I didn't. But I wanted to Anyways, I made the decision to not bother seeing this in the theater because of how utterly crappy I assumed it would be (call me prejudice, I really don't care). As luck would have it though, my best friends dad received two passes to a preview showing and being the good friend she is, I was asked to come along. Why say no, when I'll be watching this film for free, right? Overall, I found the viewing to be quite pleasant, which is very surprising indeed. I had thought it would be a heavily CGI laden MTV schlock fest with a scene placed in every now and then of Paris Hilton prancing around in her underwear. To my shock, this film actually offers the viewer little to no CGI, cringe inducing surprises, and roughly 25 minutes (if that) of the "famous for being famous" heiress. Granted her last "major" scene WAS in fact of her prancing around in her underwear, but it lasted only about 30 seconds. (thank god) Anyways, I was pleasantly surprised by this movie and am glad I did see it, although I'm also glad I saw it for free. I still maintain I would never pay to see it (really only because prices have skyrocketed recently and I am a poor chica). 6/10
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