The Fox (1967)
A film ahead of its time in handling lesbian issues
11 June 2005
"The Fox" is a rare cinematic gem that deserves to be appreciated by a wider audience today. At the very least, it needs to be released on DVD. I saw it in a theater when it first came out, and several times again when it was shown on the Bravo cable channel. I have read the book and feel this adaptation into a contemporary setting is without blemish. Production standards and acting quality are very high. The photography and musical score are excellent. Never did the Canadian winter wilderness seem so romantic.

Some have complained that this film is supposedly dated because of some alleged Hollywood idea in the 1960's that lesbianism should be frowned upon or seen as something that happens only when male partners are not available. That is simply not the case. The film follows the book. This is an intelligent, subtle, and very adult study of human sexuality. There is nothing cheap or tawdry about this picture. D. H. Lawrence had incredible intuitive observations into the motivations and desires of his characters' sexual lives. It is high class all the way.

The three talented lead actors (Sandy Dennis, Anne Heywood, Keir Dullea) can be very proud of their work in this "high-brow" art film. Highly recommended for everyone, not just gay audiences.
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