13 June 2005
This is a high speed thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat till' the end.

Ice T leads a corrupted police force bent on the eradication of the local street gangs. However, when the bosses of the three biggest gangs are snatched together in one of Ice T's traps, they realize that only teamwork will get them trough the day. Even though the cover clearly states that this movie stars Snoop Dogg as well as Ice T, but Snoop however never appears as a character that has anything to do with the plot. They show a clip from one of his videos, but I don't think that counts for much. But that is just a funny surprise from the director. "You sure got us there Mr. Director". Other featured actors are lesser known(except for Ice T of course!) However they were able to match Ice's fine acting. Who could forget smooth and suspenseful lines such as "Juda, you are a slimy bitch".

Brilliant acting combined with an amazing musical score make this one of the best action/drama films of the year. This one is a must see!!!
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