"Samson" & "The Outlaw"
22 June 2005
(Minor Spoilers) On their way to L.A from Boston Mr Llyod Rollins, Vincent Price,insists to his wife Linda, Jane Russell,on stopping at Las Vages to relax and play at the dice table in the Fabulous Casino/Hotel. A stock broker/investor Rollins has been embezzling his clients for some time and now needs money desperately to re-pay them or end up behind bars.

Getting $100,000.00 in credit from the Fabulous Casino/Hotel management Rollins blows it all on the crap-table before the night is over. Meanwhile Linda runs into an old flame Dave Andrews, Victor Mature, who she left when he was sent to the Pacifice during WWII.

Dave, to Linda's surprise and regret, is not only living in Vages where she met him when she was a singer at "The Last Chance" casino but he's an officer in the Las Vegas police Dept and in charge of the Vegas Strip where the casinos are located.

Both Linda and Dave are at odds with each others when they first meet. Dave feeling that he was let down by Linda for not coming back to him after the war and Linda a bit taken up by Dave's obsession with her that doesn't seem to have ended now some ten years after they last saw each others. Meanwhile Linda's husband Llyod hocks her $50,000.00 diamond necklace for a measly $10,000.00 to continue gambling; this time in the "Last Chance" casino to it's owner Clyton, Robert J. Wilke. Unknow to both the Rollins' their being tailed by insurance instigator Tom Hubler, Brad Dexter. Who's job it is to make sure that Linda's necklace is safe and sound being that it's insured for $150,000.00 by the company that he works for.

All these stories come together when Clyton is later found murdered at the his place with the casino's daily cash profits missing. The murder of Clyton has Llyod Rollins name all over it with him needing money, which Clyton refused to advance him,to keep on gambling to make up what he already lost plus the money he stole from his investors.

Standard 1950's police/drama thats really uplifted a few notches with an incredible helicopter/car chase in the Navada desert as Dave and the pilot Tobey Riggs corner Clyton's killer in a restricted US Military base; could that have been what later became known as area 51? After the killer shot and wounded Tobey Dave chases him on to an army watchtower where after knocking him down Dave shoots the fugitive as he tries to go for his gun as he falls to his death.

There was a nice little sub-plot in "The Las Vages Story" involving two young would-be newlyweds Bill & Mary, Chester Marshall & Colleen Miller. Mary's dad, Ray Walkers, didn't want them to get married because his daughter was under age and refused to give her his consent. Bill about to be drafted in the Army and Mary having to wait for him to serve out his two years was a mirror image of what happened between Dave and Linda ten years earlier. In this case the ending was a lot more cheerier: Dave talked Mary's father into letting the two lovebirds tie the knot.
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