27 June 2005
I watched Puppies for sale for the first time in 2005, i searched for this movie every where and i was happy that finally i found the movie. I look for very very hard movies and it does take time, all you have to do is keep trying, never ever give up or you won't be able to see what you want to see. Try is the answer. I found a hard link to this and it was hard to find: www.goodnewsbroadcast.com/puppiesforsale.ram And i must say, I absolutely fell in love with this movie, the puppies were so sweet, it is a shame that puppies for sale wasn't made into a longer movie, it would have been great for this to be a proper heart warming movie. So great. jack Lemmon is my favourite actor and as many movies i have seen him in, i near say anything bad about his work, he is truly a heart warming, kind, gentle actor i have ever seen and i like people like that. I give puppies for sale 10 out of 10 because it is such a heart warming movie, I could watch it over and over again. It touches you heart and makes it gentle and warm.
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